Top50 Scrappers is the definitive list of Scrapbooking sites in the UK
We count UK visitors to UK websites!

This list only accepts sites that are owned by small, independant UK Businesses.

UK Craft sites should join Top50 Crafters.
UK Handmade Craft sites should join Crafty Sales.
UK Blog sites should join Crafty Blogs.

If you would like your Scrapbooking site listed here then click Join on the left menu now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I list my Site for Free?
Yes you can, we do not charge for listing your site providing your site is predominately Scrapbooking or Craft related and you are a resident or business located within the United Kingdom. If your site is Craft or Blog related then please see or

How does the Ranking work?
When you complete the sign up form you will be given a couple of lines of html code. Place this code on your site, we recommend the home page. Our software will monitor the banner on your site and adjust your ranking in our list according to the number of unique UK visitors you have visiting your site in a 24 hour period.

If you do not add the code to your site then your listing will just sink to the bottom of our list and eventually drop of the bottom, so it is important that you add the code to your site.

Why do your stats differ from my Website stats?
We only count unique hits from the UK visitors to your site. A hit is one unique ip address visiting your site in 24 hours. We are unique in doing this and it is what sets us apart from the hundreds of other top listing websites out there. We feel this shows how your UK site truly ranks in comparison to other UK sites in the UK marketplace.

What do the figures in STATS mean?
� Unique PVs = The number of unique visitors to your site per day.
� Total PVs = The total number of times the page with our banner on was displayed.
� Unique In = The number of unique visitors that clicked on our banner on your site.
� Total In = The total number of times someone clicked our banner on your site.
� Unique Out = The number of unique visitors that clicked your banner on our site.
� Total Out = The total number of times visitors clicked your banner on our site.

Stats are displayed as Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Overall.

Stats are calculated in real time but the ranking that shows on the banner on your site is updated once every hour.

Do You accept Sites from outside of the UK?
No, this listing is dedicated to individuals and businesses based within the United Kingdom

Do You allow listings on both Top50 Scrappers and Top50 Crafters?
No, you can only be listed on one or the other top sites, not both.

Top50 Scrappers is a free service that is owned by x3 Internet Solutions LLP. The service provides users with a definitive list of UK based sites in the field of Scrapbooking, Digital Scrapbooking and Crafts.

Can I Advertise on
Yes, We offer two types of advertising on this site.

� 1. A full size 468x60 Banner which appears within the list of Sites.
� 2. A small 150x75 Banner which appears beneath the lefthand menu.

Please Contact Us for advertising rates and available inventory.

Designed by x3 Internet Solutions LLP
Members: 29